Welcome to FotoMarathon
FotoMarathon is a photo competition for the “raw photography”. That is, a photography that has not been edited.
In the competition, you must interpret 6, 12 or 24 topics, in 6, 12 or 24 photos, for 6, 12 or 24 hours.
We hope that you will be guided well through the competition on this page. If you have questions that are not answered here, you are welcome to contact support. See bottom of page.
We recommend that you join the Facebook group Deltagere i FotoMarathon 2021. There you will be able to communicate with other participants and the organizers, share experiences and get good advice from the other participants and organizers.
We all wish you a fantastic FotoMarathon.
Your participant numbe
Your participant number is in the email you received when you signed up for FotoMarathon. You will need it when the competition ends, and you must upload your images to the Photomarathon. If you have lost your participant number, you can get it by writing to info@fotomarathon.dk.

Topic number 4: Take care of us.. Photographer: Anja Johansson
Set up your camera or smartphone for the competition
Before the competition begins, make sure your camera or smartphone is properly set up for FotoMarathon 2021. That means:
- Set the date and time so that it is correct.
- If you do not participate from Denmark, you must set the time zone to Denmark / Copenhagen.
- Pictures are taken in JPG format. You can only upload JPG images to the competition.
- The pictures are taken in the format 3:2 or 4:3. The 16:9 format must not be used.
- The pictures are taken in S-RGB. It is basically standard in both smartphones and cameras.
The topics are released
At 10:00, the first six topics will be released and the competition begins.
At 16:00, the next six topics are released for the 12 and 24-hour FotoMarathon.
At 22:00, the last 12 topics are released for the 24-hour FotoMarathon.
The topics will be released on FotoMarathon’s website, Facebook and Instagram.
The images
The photos must be taken during FotoMarathon 2021
FotoMarathon 6 Hours: The photos must be taken between 10:00 and 16:00.
FotoMarathon 12 Hours: The photos must be taken between 10:00 og kl. 22:00.
FotoMarathon 24 Hours: The photos must be taken between 10:00 and sunday at 10:00.
The photos must be taken in the order in which the topics are handed out
This means that the image for topic No. 1 must be taken before topic No. 2, then topic No. 3, topic No. 4, etc. Therefore, you must not take the image No. 4 before you take the image No. 3.
Before you take the photo, you must do everything
You must apply all the techniques and tricks and hacks you can come up with before taking your pictures. It can be physical filters in front of the lens, playing with light and shadow, changing the camera settings e.g. the color balance and of course all the common photo techniques like long-term exposure, camera movement, depth of field, use of flash, tripod, etc. Let your imagination and creativity run free.
Remember that the technique should support the story in your image and not remove focus from the story. First of all, it is the story in your photos that is interesting.
When evaluating the image series, the idea behind the images, composition and uniformity of the quality determines which image series will be rewarded. It is the judges who sovereignly decide which images best meet the criteria.
After you have taken the photo, you must not do anything
As the photo competition for the “raw photo”, you may not edit your images once they have been taken. This means that you create your image before you take them.
All you do with your photos after they have been taken, will result in disqualification. So no resizing, cropping, Photoshop or other changes to the image after it has been taken. You may even not change the original file name of the image.
It is the judges who sovereignly decide whether the rules have been violated and the participant must be disqualified.

The judges ‘ comments: There is a good atmosphere and dynamism in the picture. There is a play with light/shadow and sharpness/blur. The viewer is welcomed to the photographer’s special place.
Competition rules
We recommend that you read the competition rules, You can find them here.
When the competition ends
When the competition ends, you must upload your images to the FotoMarathon. Remember that if you want to change competition, you must do so before uploading the first image. Once the first image has been uploaded, you cannot change competition. (See below)
6 Hour FotoMarathon
You may upload your photos from 15:00 to 18:00. Images uploaded before or after this time will be deleted from the competition.
12 Hour FotoMarathon
You may upload your photos from 21:00 til 24:00. Images uploaded before or after this time will be deleted from the competition.
24 Hour FotoMarathon
You may upload your photos from sunday at 9:00 to 12:00. Images uploaded before or after this time will be deleted from the competition.
Be patient with the upload time
Please note that the size of your images (it must be in full resolution), the speed of your Internet connection and a lot of pressure on FotoMarathon’s server may result in longer upload times. So be patient and wait until the next image can be uploaded.
How to upload your photos to FotoMarathon
First you need to log in
- Go to the upload page – The link will not be published until Saturday at 10.00.
- If you want to change the language, do it now. You can choose between Danish and English.
- Log in with your participant number and the password you provided when you signed up.
- Your participant number is in the email you received when you signed up for FotoMarathon. If you have lost your participant number, you can get it from the support.
- If you have forgotten your password, you can create a new one.

How to change competition and correct your information
Once logged in, you have the opportunity to change competition and correct your information.
Click Profile in the top menu and make your corrections.
If you want to change competition, you must do so before uploading the first image.
Once the first image is Uploadset, it is no longer possible to change competition.
How to upload your photos
You need to upload your images one at a time. It must be the original image and it must be in JPG.
Once you have uploaded a photo, it cannot be changed.
- Click ‘ Select File ‘ and select the image you want to upload.
- Click on “Submit Image”
- Once your photo has been uploaded, you can see it instead of “No Image Uploaded”.
- Wait until the next image is ready for upload.
- When you can see that the last image has been uploaded, the competition is over and you need to log out.
When you are logged in, the page looks like this.

There are prizes for the winners of the three competitions and the best picture for selected topics.. See the prize list here.
Support during the competition
First check out our FAQ
If you need support during the competition, you can use the chat on our Facebook page or our contact form.
If you need telephone support, please contact: Hugo + 45 51 51 19 20 or Klavs + 45 20 72 69 96.
Telephone support is open
Saturday at 8:00-11:00, 15:00-18:00 og 21:00-24:00
Sunday at 9:00-12:00
Big thank you to our Sponsors