Every six hours, the participants are given six new themes, which they must creatively interpret and create an image for. The topics must be solved in the order in which they are delivered.
It is possible to take several images for each theme . But at the end of the competition, the participants must choose the best picture for each theme and delete the others, so that only one image is submitted per theme .
The themes in the recent years.
The English translation is in parentheses.
FotoMarathon 2020
Theme No. 1. Bedste venner (Best friends)
Theme No. 2. De små ting (The little things)
Theme No. 3. Der var engang (Once upon a time)
Theme No. 4. Pas på os (Take care of us / Beware of us *)
Theme No. 5. På hovedet (Upside down / something on the head *)
Theme No. 6. For enden af regnbuen (At the end of the rainbow)
Theme No. 7. Fodspor (Footsteps)
Theme No. 8. Skræmmende (Scary)
Theme No. 9. Smil på læben (A smile on the lips)
Theme No. 10. Når lyset falder (When the ligth falls)
Theme No. 11. Den nøgne sandhed (The naked truth)
Theme No. 12. Så er det lige før (Then it’s almost)
Theme No. 13. Passion (Passion)
Theme No. 14. Et ulige antal (An odd number)
Theme No. 15. Midnatstimen (The midnight hour)
Theme No. 16. Ud af skyggerne (Out of the shadows)
Theme No. 17. Et særligt sted (A special place)
Theme No. 18. Ensom (Lonely)
Theme No. 19. Ekstase (Ecstacy)
Theme No. 20. Uendelig kærlighed (Endless love)
Theme No. 21. Fredfyldt (Peaceful)
Theme No. 22. Hvad gik galt (What went wrong)
Theme No. 23. Åh nej… (Oh no…)
Theme No. 24. Sidst, men ikke mindst (Last but not least)
* In Danish there is more than one meaning.
FotoMarathon 2019
Theme No. 1: En god start på dagen (A good start to the day)
Theme No. 2: Turistattraktion (Tourist attraction)
Theme No. 3: Street art (Street art)
Theme No. 4: Et åndehul I byen (A breather in the city)
Theme No. 5: Dagens vejrbillede (Today’s weather picture )
Theme No. 6: Skulpturen I byen (The sculpture in the city)
Theme No. 7: Gennemsigtig (Transparent)
Theme No. 8: Kontraster (Contrasts)
Theme No. 9: Huset fyldt med historie (The house filled with history)
Theme No. 10: Udstillingsvindue (Showcase)
Theme No. 11: Lækkert design (Nice design)
Theme No. 12: Abstrakt (Abstract)
Theme No. 13: Fællesskab (Community)
Theme No. 14: Venskab (Friendship)
Theme No. 15: Magisk øjeblik (Magical moment)
Theme No. 16: Natskygge (Nightshade)
Theme No. 17: En silhuet (A silhouette)
Theme No. 18: Her er stille (It is quiet here)
Theme No. 19: Ensom og forladt (Lonely and abandoned)
Theme No. 20: Tidligt oppe (Up early)
Theme No. 21: Her har været nogen (Someone’s been here)
Theme No. 22: Ude af fokus (Out of focus)
Theme No. 23: Himlen over byen (The sky above the city)
Theme No. 24: Byens liv (City life)
FotoMarathon 2018
Theme No. 1: Selvportræt (Self Portrait)
Theme No. 2: Min modsætning (My opposite)
Theme No. 3: Skønhed (Beauty)
Theme No. 4: Forfald (Decay)
Theme No. 5: En perle i byen (A gem in the city)
Theme No. 6: Lidt til en side (Ask for translation)
Theme No. 7: Det gode liv (The good life)
Theme No. 8: Et liv i skyggen (A life in the shadow)
Theme No. 9: Eksotisk (Exotic )
Theme No. 10: Dansk (Danish)
Theme No. 11: Fedt job (Cool Job)
Theme No. 12: Hårdt arbejde (Hard Work)
Theme No. 13: Byens liv (City Life)
Theme No. 14: I lygternes skær (In the lights of the lamps)
Theme No.15: Nattens skønhed (The beauty of the night )
Theme No.16: Den sidste dans (The last dance)
Theme No. 17: Natarbejde (Night work)
Theme No. 18: En lukket dør (A closed door)
Theme No. 19: Byen sover (The city sleeps)
Theme No. 20: Det lysner derude (It’s getting light out there)
Theme No. 21; En kold fornøjelse (A cold pleasure)
Theme No. 22: En tiltrængt pause (A needed break)
Theme No. 23: Morgengymnastik (morning gymnastics)
Theme No. 24: Når enden er god (When the end is good)